For Want Ads SUtter 2424 THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER; MONDAY. UEY 15. 1942 For Want Ada in OattTancf TEmpUW 2424 cere 18 143 For Sale Miscellaneous! I 118 furniture and Household 138 Livestock, VahiclesiJEte. 7 APT. HOUSES, HOTELS 167 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FURNISHED 161 ROOM ANDB0ARD PIERCE.
2647 Private home; like 2 or 3 young bus. men. FI. 5144. 170 FLATS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED Can't be beat for the money 74 Webster nr.
new mint: up THE BULLETIN BOARD For merchandise only. Automo. bllei or livestock not acceptable here. Ada must come from private parties, not dealers. The full price of the article offered for sale must he stated.
The full price the advertiser la willing to par must appear in the wanted ads. No box numbers accepted. Rates per line of 6 average words: Daily 8unda.v 1 to 3 times .20 .25 4 to 6 times 8 .23 7 imes or more .15 .20 Phono Ad-Taker. 224 to place aa ad hers. Furn.
and Leases for Salt INV. CO. 948 MARKET. DO, 3319. 0 gd.
rent $50; cirs. $100 and $900; 70 rm. rood, apt. house; mostly 2s; all outside; sunny parages; well furn; dinets, Nice home. (id.
Inc. $7 500. Term. 98 ROOMING HOUSES Furn. and TEN well furn 2 and 3 rm.
hskpg. make over loo mo. plus lire. 3 r. $1,200.
KX. 7002. lo. 43. 99 Apt.
H.i Hotels, Rooming Houses to Lease f21, corner Cedar, near Geary 1 a nil ouistae. Bent $75. Apply Baldwin 318 Kearny St. EX. 3810.
101 MINING jAJDSSMNG HAVE chrome deposits! Have mill opera. Nee cap. si.utwi. M. -u 105 INVESTMENTS WANTED KEED $2,500 to obtain 50 Interest In commercial fishing venture.
Security discussed on meeting OR. 0152. after 7 p. m. 106 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS $50 for $4.54 (Total Cost) $100 for $9.08 (Total Cost) when repaid in 6 monthly instalments You can let a loan on your salary, furniture or car.
No indorsera. No credit inquiries aro made of friends or relatives. No Insurance required. No notary fees tharged against borrower. Epecial quick service on salary loans to employed women.
Cash I Choose a Monthly Payment Loan I Plan. You I 3 6 1 9 13 Get I oymts. Ipymts.lpymts.l pymta. 9 8.76!$ no n.oj .) 100 S5.04I 18.18) 12.571 9.77 150 200i B2.47I 27.1HI 18.7SI 14.50 19.36 28.87 88.36 47.84 3B.17 24.96 300 400 600! 104.50 54.081 37.26 139.281 71.96! 173.B8I 89.84 49.551 61.82 Payments include charges at Household's rate of Shit Per month on that part of a balance not exceeding $100 and 2 per month on that part of a balance in excess of $100 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 02 Bankers Investment Building Entrances st MARKKT STREET 49 GEARY STREET (Between Grant and Kearny) L. D.
Whalen, Mgr. Foods DOuglaa 0480. 833 MARKET ST. (Next door to Emporium) Jay Crooks. Mgr.
Phons EX. 8731. OAKLAND. 3 419 Broadway. 707 Broadway Bldg, Ph.
HI. 7051. VACATION LOANS Need an extra hundred or two to take that trip you ve planned long? A Domestic Loan, personal ised to meet your needs, provides quick cash on your salary, or on your car or other personal security. Phone, or come in. Choose the Payment That Fits Your Budget 8 SHETLAND ponies.
browns and piiitos. These ponies are all gentle for children, yn.l up. KL.H'I5 i'Hlominos. 1 buy stock horse, gentle. 7245 Blake St.
El Cerrlto. Rich mond 44011. mounted lexicun show sad die, perfect condition. Sacrifice 150. 4.18 10th Oakland.
CHINCHILLAS, rarest fur bearera. breeding stock, local farm. Write W. Parker, Hti06 Brighton Av Oak. HOUSE Imported brood mare.
Dan T. Snow. 509 Polk. OR. 1600.
141 MACHINERY SUPPLIES SELLING OUT Univ. grinder, like new. 6x42 table, enmp. set of attach, for all types of grinding. 15 k.
w. motor and foot, oner, spot welder, tool rack, drills, all such equipment. 5520 San Pablo, Oakland. HU. 633(1.
I5HK.WKRV KUUIPM'KNT SALE at Kagle Brewery. 5050 Missiun St 40 ton Cyclops ice. C02 compressor, filter presser. bottle washer, pasteurizer, rice cooker, mix, lank, pumps, cooler, ateel and wd. tanks.
Ph. RA 2342 or UN. 4 Bridge Cranes for Sale Four.7!-j ton, 80 D. C. with generators.
Box 329 i. Examiner. USED stationary type 65 p. heavy duty Atlas Diesel engine, including aux. equipment.
$2,750. Phono, Kellogg 2-1822. MIXER, dough, Century ltj barrel: enmp. with motor; gd. conn-: reas, 4246 Holden.
444 6th Street. UN. 7353 WOODEN tanks. 1.500 to 4.030 gal. vertical, horiz.
Eagle Brewery, 50o0 Mission. RA. 2342 or UN, 4:110. SAWS, s.moers, drills, polishers rent ed. U50 J4tn.
uakiann. 3742. 365 10th S. F. HE.
tools Driver Equip. 193 Mission. ATLAS Drill Press 8" table saw, 1011 Harrison, Oak. 1.41 8 S.F. HANDSAWS.
tablesaws, jointers. sander. 400 Atebster. Oakland. 100 KVA-ACgen.
G. M. Diesel driven with panels, controls. 724 Brannan. BOILERS.
40 h. donkey 150 w. p. Others. 1728 Market, Oak.
TW.ll.H WANTED Air hoists, Hi to 3 ton. Basalt Rock Napa, Calif. 1 YD. P. H.
Power ehovel: rent. sell. tms. 025 Powell. GA.
6142. 142-8. LIGHTING FIXTURES BETTER light, better sight: largest 1st. assort. It.
lamps. Incan-des. Supply. 726 Mission. SU.
4600. 143 For Sale Miscellaneous ARMY tents, canvas, covers, steel cots, mattresses, harness, saddles, horse blankets. 1062 Folsom St. AUTO REPLACEMENTS Parts of all popular cars. $700 In-ventory.
Sac, for $460. DE. 7804. ASKMENT pumps hi b. p.
110V motor, $13.95. BARNEY BARNARD, 567 Market. BATTLESHIP linoleum. 97c sq. yd.
Std. Lino. 2230 Polk. PR. 9263 BUTCHER shop equipment, cash reg isters.
Geddes. 743 Mission. CARPENTER tools, complete set for form or rough work. In first class shape. 7th St.
DI 1 k. 75 pt $400: i k. ring. $30; 2 others. UN.
3970. rm. 410. DIAMOND. lady's plat, ring, about i smaller; $100.
Box 3244. Ex. DIAMOND. 1 k. engage, ring, must sell: $240 cash.
Box 3245, Ex. ELECTRIC DRILL, Black ft Deck er 110 A. D. C. Pled.
2345W. ENVELOPES 99c per 1.000 and UP. M. SILVER. 509 Market St FOUNTAIN lunch and candy fix- Hires.
See Sun. ad. 790 Mc.MlIslcr. FUR COATS, chubbies. foxes, collars, huge stock factory samples.
Remod. DOW FUR WAREHOUSE. "The House of 1.000 Fur Bargains' 133 Kearny, near Sutter, upstairs. rm. and soda fountain, fix tures complete, modern, bell all or any part at sacrifice.
Key at 953 Mission. MEAT SLICER, Brian pump and other butcher tools. PH. 5121. PAINT factory sale Lead and zinc paste, $8.50 per 100 paint oil, 75c gallon.
Factory, 325 Sacramento, S. F. SUtter 0050. PIPE PACIFIC PIPE COMPANY Reconditioned pipe and casing. Tested, guaranteed, 203 Folsotn St, PIPE Pioneer Pipe Co.
UN. 0800 634 Townsend. Reconditioning and new pipe casing, valve fittings ROLLER CASTERS, all kinds, all sizes; reas. Sectional Bookcase Desk UX. 1992 SAFE Used Safe Cabinet: used Kardex.
Townsend. 601 Mission. SODA fountain, 15 stools; like new. Own. 1669 Fillmore.
WA. 9332 84 leather and chrome chairs. 1.7 fire proof top tables trimmed with chrome, heavy base; 20 leather and chrome stools. 2 blue flash refrigerators, 1 Hamilton Beach electric mixer, 1 electric hot water container, 3 National rash registers; all in good condition. SU.
6438. lotBl 87. WALK-IN box 12'xl8'x8' high, reach in box 6' wide 6 doors, booths', steam tables, 6' range, back bars, oilier fixtures. 763 100 Oakland. TR.
FUR EXCHANGE. 133 KEARNY ST. 1 20.000 tal. upright bolted steel tank, Steel, PACIFIC PIPE 201 Folom S. F.
WRECKING many buildings, new and used building material for sale, CLEVELAND WRECKING CO. 28O0 3RD ST, VA. 4977. 18 2" mesh new wire window guards. 3' 2" 6' $4.65 each.
SYMOX BROTHERS. 14.15 Market S. F. 109'i CASH LOANS ON FIRS. 0 months to pay.
MA. 7930, THE FUR BANC, 1525 MARKET, SLIGHTLY used one inch heavy duly water nose also 5-16 high pressure sir hose, GAr. 3214. Cash I I Too 6 8 10. 12 Get 1 noi.
won. 1 mos. I mos. 50 9.08!$ 6.97,$ 5.711 1001 18.161 13.951 11.43$ 9.75 2001 36.13 27.72 22.681 19.33 300 64.02 41.411 33.831 28.82 500 68.74' 56.141 47.76 new nours 10-12 A. M.
2-4 P.M. The Examiner's New Emergency Housing Bureau Will Be Open From 10-12 A.M., 2-4 P. M. (Closed Sat. Sun.) ft ft Visit the EXAMINER'S EMERGENCY HOUSING Bureau Today FOR FREE RENTAL LISTING NO 'COST NO OBLIGATION COME TO ROOM 623 HEARST THIRD and MARKET OPEN 10-12 A.M.
2-4 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Please Do Not Telephone for Rental Information NAVY MAN wants furnished apt. and garage near: 2 children high school age; Mission or Marina District, Pay $35. EX. 7092.
Local 299. furnished 4 or 6 rooms; 2 children, age 13 and 15; north of Market; pay $37.50 or $40. EX. 7093, local 301, FLAT furnished, house or 4 or 5 rooms; one child: age 6. Marina or Mission district; pay $40, $45 or EX.
7092. Local 266. 4 ROOMS furnished, 3 children, age 2. 13 and 11; Mission district. Pay $30.
SINGLE person wants unfurnished any district. Pay $13, EX. 7092, Local 295. AIT. or flat, unfurn.
4-5 2 adults; pay P40; must have heat, system: nr. cars. EX. 7092. loc.
309 GIRD wishes board and room with motherly woman, pref. trained or prac. nurse. $.10 mo. Box 329o, Ex furnished 2 or 3 rooms.
Mission or west of an Ness: pay $40 or 5435 local ail. flat or house, unfurnished 3 or 4 rooms: 2 children; Mission pay $35. EX. 7092. loc, 306 furnished 3 rooms, for Navy rottple; any district; pay $45.
EX. 7093. local 304. OR 3 rm. unfurn.
apt. oi flat; mother, son. 6, vie. Mission Dolores. HE.
1283. S30-S4O. or 5 rm, furn. or unfurn. apt.
or flat. $45 to $60. Box 3438 Exam WANT HOME and care for 6 months old baby. Call AT. 1319.
AFT. 2 with rare of 1 yr. child; dntn. pf. DO.
1827. loc. 3 OR 3 rm. furn, apt, for Navy cple. pay up to JS40.
KX. 7092, Loc. ana 161 ROOM AND BOARD $1 DAY UP Eddy. 862 neat, not water; excel, meals. $7.50 UP.
California. 1920 Choicel qhle. Prtv. bath, dressing rm. $8 week up: mo.
rates; nice exc. food: lobby; steam heat: downtown. 570 O'Farrell. TU. 9773.
$8 WK. up Downtown comf. sgls nm pn tasty fd. Leavenwortn $8 WEEK UP HOME COOKING. parking space.
807 Franklin. $8 Eureka, 59. nr. Mkt. Twin beds: 3 meals; cars L.
K. 8. 33, UN. 0627 $10 WK. Waller.
506 Lge. sunny dbl. or twin beds, 2 excellent meals. Cars 6-7-17. Prefer men.
UN. 5797. $10 WK. 12th 1311 Good beds, home cooking; lunches packed: Free lg. llv.
r. Cars N-7-17 LO. 6-6560. $10 WK Nr. 26th-Army Homey at mosphere; very attractive, rm.
in private home; gentleman only. Phone Monday St. 0391. $10 UP Defense wkrs. or business.
Attr. sgl. 627 So. Van Ness, $10 Chattanooga. 1681 double twin beds, shower.
Ph. Mr. 1497. $12.50 Fell new. furn.
spac. atudio sgl. or st. ht horn, cooked meals: 10 mlns. downtown: 21 cars.
DO. I S27. Loc. 64. $30 UP Amer.
guest house; excel, food: airy: single; steam hdw. rumpus rm. 1035 Haight. $30 up 3 good meala; $oT Balboa. 436 15 mln.
to Satiaa-llto shipyard. dbls. Attractive furn.i elrc. ht, ere. Meals served at your conven.
EV. 918. $35 BUSH. 1661 Newly dec. rms, snower, sun tiecK, nnesi toon.
$35 Finest family style 3 meals: stm. h. congenial men. EV. 6089 $37.50 MONTH UP DOUBLE; $42.80 mo.
up single: 860 Butter, between Jones and Leavenworth. A centrally located home for business people: sunny. furnished room with private or connecting bats Including breakfast and dinner. $401252 GUERRERO Lovely surmy gd. hm.
cooking. Ideal for older gent, Hm. atmosphere. MI. 2848.
$402171 JACKSON Modern, beaut, sgl. Exclusive dlst. BAKER. 2201 Single or double: all newly priv. baths: snndecks.
Hyde. 835 Walking Dist. Single and double available, connecting bath. TU. 9751.
LIBERTY, 390. al Sanches Lg. sun. pan. viw.
fine meals PACIFIC. 2507-09 Choio priv, bath. vw recreation hslancefl menus, WE. 2756. Goods Wanted by Dealers TIME IS VALUABLE SO IS YOUR FURNITURE See Us FIRST and Save TIME! Get MORE CASH for Your household furnishings, appliances.
FREE APPRAISALS CASH SAME DAT Call Mr. Wilkie. MArket 1780 WE'RE THE ONLY PEOPLE PAYING 30 MORE CASH CALL SIR. JAY, WALNUT 2443. BEKINS Tay highest prices for your used furniture and runts.
WE. 3639. ALFRED n. CLARK Austion Studio, Paying best cash price obtainal le for over 25 years. Ph.
WAlnut 7040 GOOD price for used furniture, rugs, stoves, refrigerators; prompt serv ice: free appraisal. Call UN. 8389. REFRIGERATORS wanted. Any make or cuml.
Pay spot cash. Mission Ar-nlt. 1980 Mission. UN. 01-40 REFRIGERATORS and WASHERS NEW Oil USED, TOP PRICES.
Pacific Appliance Co, MI. 1715. MORE CASH FOR FURNITURE Rugs, carpets, any amount. HARBAXD'S PR. 2044 AT Tnn.n.
anw em. fitn alnvn. ruga, etc. wanted for cash. DO.
HIGHEST PRICES PAIR FOR USED FURNITURE, WA. 1738, HIGHEST cash prices for used furni ture: any amount. UN. 29i'o. IMMEDIATE highest cash for rugs, stoves, etc.
STERN. N. 2ol. HIGHEST cash prices for any maite refrigerators. U.N.
4200. CASH in a flash for etc. Any amt. The A-e. WA, 1974-1976, 121 JUNK AND OLD FURNI TURE WANTED.
BASEMENT, yards, stores, cleantd'. Rubbish removed. FI. loJO-MA. 4900 122 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES wanted, bric-a-brac.
paintings, snyining oia, ha.w: 124 Mattresses Renovated $3 COMPLETE If you want work well none send it to uniuiuJ, Rebuilt mattresses, special. Certified MattreBs ft Uphol. 2375 Market. MA. 4181.
MA. 8421, $2 -Ma I tresses thoroughly renovated by latest machines, iieouiu khdok mattresses, with good new cover. $6.95 NATIONAL MATTRESS COMPANY. 2620 3rd St. VA.
6911 126 REFRIGERATORS, Commercial and Household AT BARGAIN Equities on 21 ft. meat counter, walk-in display box, compressors, vegetable box. Also Toledo scales, meat chopper, sllcer, National register. High class; nearly new. Box 3431.
Kxiim. GENERAL 5 cu. ft. rebuilt, guar. $59.50.
Economy. 2163 Mission. HE. 7621, CLEARANCE I All used sewing ma chines. Large discls.
4ol8 Mission. 128 WASHING MACHINES $1 WEEK RENTS WASHERS, Ironers, CLEANERS. VICTORY, 2813 Mission. AT, 4303 HOT Point washers, brand new. Only 8 left.
Liberal trade-ins. Terms. GOODYEAR Service. 1475 Mission. 1290mCE JrRNITURE STEEL fTlING CABINETS still available.
Desks, chairs, sold, exchanged, bought, rented. Waller Hall 205 2nd St. DO. 0446. COMPL.
otf. unit. Death reason. 912 Markt. Rtn.
Bin. niter lstojion. ADDING qesks. files, recon ditioned. 77 Battery.
GA. 0306, DESKS RENTED. BOUGHT. SOLD. Easy tnis.
DO. 5713. 785 Mission. 130A Cameras and Supplies WANTED Kodak, Ektra fTf.O Ek- tor; reasonable. Dealers don't call, OV, 2503, evenings.
CEKTO Dollina. Tessar. $80. Sherman Clay. Kearnv at Sutter.
lens, cost sac. $223. Skinner. 294 Turk. CAMERAS BOUGHT, SOLD.
KXCH. Kaufmann Camera Mart, 562 Mkt. CASH for cameras and photo equip ment. CROOKS, 1048 Market. ICE FOLLIES PHOTO CONTEST.
Entry Blanks at all Photo Dealers. NAT L. Graflex. ft latest $60. Camera Shop.
137 Kearny LET US develop and print your films. Schwabacher. Frpy, 7,15 Market St. SUPERFINE Developing and Printing of No. 116 film.
49c. At the OWL. EVERYTHLXG PHOTOGRAPHIC Eastman Kodak Stores. 21 6 Post St. 131 Musical Instruments CHICKERING $88; FISCHER $59; KOHLER ft CHASE, $75; PRACTICE PIANOS $19 up; BABY GRAND S245, reconditioned.
RENTS 83. Open eves. Terms. 2226 MISSION ST. ABOVE 18lh, WAREHOUSE PIANO BARGAINS Grands.
spinetB, uprights, players; pew. used; pianos rented. Cline Piano Warehouse and Salesrooms. 17th and Mission, evenings till 8. SPECIAL SALE NOTICE.
50 Pianos. All Styles, Grand, Studio. Midget. Pr. Piano.
$15 up. used. Rent terms. THE PIANO EXCHANGE. 500 Valencia at 17th.
Open Eves. 150 GOOD pianos, small; $1 mo. up: spinels, grands. MH.i up: pianos hot. sold.
ex. Heine. 279 O'Farrell, STEIN WAY" pailur grand, style B. ill beautiful condition. 234 Eddy.
PIANOS RENTED BARGAINS $25 up. 49 Taylor at Market. 132 Musical Instruments and Radios Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for used Grands. Phone SU, 6000. SHERMAN.
UN. 2932. BALDWIN grand in gd. cond. State particulars and price.
Box 2276, Ex. 133 RADIOS BARGAINS in new and used AUTO and, HOME Radios. EXPERT REPAIRS, 7. terms. Mission Electric, 820 Valencia.
Phone Ml. 6264. RADIO SALE. New 6 tube Phlh-o Auto radios. NOW ONLY $22.50.
Budget Terms. Brunton's, 1460 pine WANTED for cash! Gd. table models. late onsoles. 954 Market.
OR. 97 5 134 FURS PUR coats, salesmen's models, $28. os, v. tasy terms, free parking. Fur Doctor." 1521 Market.
See our 8 windows for values. DOW FUR WAREHOUSE. "House t.uou Fur Barsatns." la.j Kearny. SlocjcJsatsXtc. COCKER Pup.
male. 6 months old. 820. 524 Beach San Kruno. COCKERS, SHEPHERDS, FOXES qil.lil-.KT '401 AMI ENG.
BULL PUPS, ped. champ, slock. HWks. old. 900 Hnight St.
GERMAN shepherds, 1 female, 2 inalca: reas. Call any time. DE.H2Q HISH setter, 6 mo. female, pedigreed. SK.
3442. eves. SPRINGER Spaniel, 1 yr. old. Pointer dog.
1 yr. old. KLk. 440H. TOY FOX REASONABLE.
25TH and MISSION. QUAD1NB Tour Dog against Fleas. Lice. etc. BULLIVAN.
1107 Market 136 BIRDS FARROT, gd. talker, sings. 868 PhoP well St. VA. 8771 or Ml.
142H. I READ this column daily for a wide selection of outstanding bargains In new and used merchandise. With the curtailment In goods production and manufacture, there is a grow ing demand for used articles in good condition. If, upon checking the 'articles for sale', listed in this column, you are unable to find the merchandise you are seeking place a small 'WANTED to BUY' announcement in the want ad BULLETIN BOARD. These little 'result-getting' WANTED ads are Inexpensive, cost as little as 60c.
An Examiner Bureau Service telephone number may be used in your ad at no additional cost, thus saving you the necessity of staying at home to answer th rails. A continuous record is kept of all messages, and each day you may phone In and get your answers. Order your 'WANTED' ad today Call SUtter 2424 ask for an Ad-taker; or come to Examiner Office, 3rd and Market. (In East Bay, call TEmplebar 2424.) 4 METAL SASH, some glass: late mod. RCA radio.
San Bruno 3119.1. 143 Wanted Miscellaneous CLOTHING. MEN'S. Positively payj more. Will call anywhere.
Phone WE, 1681. STEIN, 1574 Ellis fit, CLOTHING Men's, women's hats shoes, luggage, furs, etc. Highest cash paid. 1017 Howard FURS, old and new. bought, sold or exchanged, 133 Kearny, Rm.
306. HONEY EXTRACTOR WANTED. 704 27th St. VA. 10128.
WALL Beds wanted. Any cond. Pay good price. HE. 0748 bet.
8-5. 14G Swaps and Exchanges KEY lot, value $700, Daly City, for gnoa house trailer. vvirth. 1101 Kills st F. ORdway 7535.
HEAT, equnimt. for kodak, or 600x11) tires. 3237 Mission St, 150 Tents and Camping Equipment TEXT. 14x10. 4 ft.
wall, 8 ft. high, rope ridge heavy duck, ventilated; practically new. Pled. 2345-W, 151JI0ATS AND SUPPLIES BOAT 17 li ft. dory, 6 ft.
beam, bit. with good Jaicon h.p, inbrd. motor, also detachable mast, needs new bottom, yi2o; also one wheel trailer with high pipe sides. $21. Ph San Rafael 4600 4601.
CABIN cruiser express. 30 11 4 double bunks, galley, wash large open cockpit; ideal for fishing parlies; make offer. Inspection Sunday. Oakland Yacht Harbor. Mr.
Pa rks. Week days cn II DO. 2923. 3 Cylinder Evinrude 3Yi h. p.
out board motor; sell or exchange lor good binoculars. DE. 6754. WHY not live in a boat fully fur nished? Can be bought easily. 3217 Fernside Alameda, Calif.
IF unable to contact any advertiser in Want Ads. call SUtter 2424. ask for WANT AD SERVICE BUREAU. 1942 Johnson's still available. Heb- gen.
326 Market. 1.1 A. 7881. BEAR boat, fine cab. Bill Smart, Rich mond Yacht Harbor.
Rich. 4321. 18' FISH boat. motor: cabin sleeps 2. A-1.
$250. HU. 5526. 152 Boats Supplies Wanted OAKLAND income English type bungalow; equity trade for cruiser around 30 ft. Box 4851, Ex.
160 WANTED TO RENT $12 Unfurn. housekeeping Mis- sion preferred, call Mon. A t. oji i. $30 4.
6-rm. unfurn. flat, 3 adults. .1 oniidren, jjisirici, tA. 7092, Local 281.
$303 adults want furnished apt. downtown. EX. 7 092. Local -Jnn.
$35 Unfurnished 3. 4-rm. apt. or house, a adults, enna snn dog. Mission District preferred.
EX. 70112. Local 290. $40 Couple wants 3-room furnished sunset uistrict preterrea. Frig.
EX. 7092. Local 297. $30 3 room luml.shed apt. West of van Ness or Pacific Heights or downtown: no children.
EX. S092 Local Furn. 5 or 6-rni. house or lower flat, perm. on.
0210. FURNISHED flat 4 or 5 rooms; 2 small children; Mission district pre ferred, Pay $30 or $35. EX. 709 Local 280. FAMILY of 5 want 4 or 5 room fur nished house or Richmond pfd will pay $50.
Box 3402, Ex. Call HE. 1 143 Monday. ADULTS with 2 small children wants 2 or 3 rooms furnished Near town if possible. Pay $30 or EX.
7092. Local 284. furnished 2 or 3 rooms: 3 adults: near car line; no stairs; must have elevator; pay $28. EX. 7092.
local BIO. furnished, or house, 4 or 6 rooms, 2 yard, 2 children age 2 and 6. any district: pay $40 or S45. EX. 7092.
Local 2S8. APT. furnlspe, for 3 adults and one child, age pay $40. West of an Ness or close to town. EX.
7092 Local 278. FLAT for colored service couple wants 3 or 4 room or apt. furnished; 2 children; pay $30. EX. '1092, Local 294.
SERVICE couple wants 2 room fur nished apt. Will pay $50. EX. 7092. Local 287.
FLAT, apt. or house, furnished, 3, 4 or .1 cnnriren, age 2, 6 and II. fay SSO. EN. 7092.
IOC. 80.1. flat or house, 3-4 rms. with garage; for 3 adults up to $45. Good loc.
EV. 4524. BOUSES with 2 bedrooms, Richmond district or sunset preferred; 2 adults. Pay EX. 7092.
loc. 279 furnished; 3 adults: close to town or any good district; pay $35. EX. local 300. ROOMS and bath furnished, for 3 adultB.
Marina, Sunset or Richmond Dist. Pay $40, Ex. 7002, Loc. 291 APT. furnished.
2 adults. 2 small children. Will pay to $50: pref. Mission dlst. EX.
7092. loc. 292. APT. furnished.
2 rooms. No children. Pay $40 or $45. Any district. EX.
7092. 1oc. 293. -LAT or house furnished, 5 or 6 rooniB. One small infant.
Close to town. Pay $30, EX. 7092, Loc, 296 FLAT or $25; 3-4 2- adults and dog: Mission district, KX. 7092. local 302.
furnished 4 rooms; 4 adults; any district: pay $40 or $45. EX. 7002. local 305. 147 BARGAIN BASEMENT Sewing machines Singers.
Wbltcs. $9.95 TO $14.95 ECONOMY SEW. MACH. STORE. 2163 Mission Near 17th St.
Open every evening 'til 9. HE. 7621 STOVES, gas plates, heaters, boilers an Kinu.T. ji-5Mo: ice boxes, iso-jiio; dressers, beds, springs and dining ets and chtsfld. sets, $15: pianos, $15.
many articles. for summer cabins. 140 Valencia. Open eves, and Sunday. SURF rod, 7 ft special.
guaranteed whllj thev last. Reliable Loan Office. 109 Srd StJ TILE and Wall Board. 20r-40e per sq. ft.
HE. 4110. 231 F-anklln. TIRES, complete stock, all sizes, large stock 20" tires. Broken tires can be vulcanised.
Lakeside Tire 1007 'i Valencia TIRE repairing. Expert work. Best mat'ls. 4068 Mission. I TRUNKS, luggage, all kinds.
$1 to I 2.03. 760 Mkt. Rm. 445. GA.870S TYPEWRITER, stenntype.
15. Tyne-wrlter Repair, 1136 Valencia, 11-9. ONIONS. potatoes. $2.50.
Buy from farms: save to 50r GA. 2 in6 USED GAS RANGES $10 EACH. 1633 MARKET ST. TUBEROUS Begonia plants, 10-89c. The Emporium.
5h Floor. Nursery. REAL tile board for baths, colors. 20c plain 12c. EX.
1711 148 Bargain Basement Wants PHONOGRAPH RECORDS bought. Pay up to $1. 172 Eddy. PR, 3630. UP to $15 for old fashioned picture frames and clocks.
BA. 6617. WANT USED VACUUMS, IN ANV condition. PAY TO $13. VA.
3274. 4 3 (C)-Marina-r-acifio Heights District $100 BRODERICK, 3465 'Newly furnished spacious 4. Gar. GREEN, 2052 Furn, or unfurn, apta. For information call Apt.
1. (D) Mission District $32.50 Pond, 76, off lOth-Market Lower 3 rm. and sun porch: redec. hot back yard, mil, included $35257 14th nr. Mission 3 rms.
and bath: clean, sunny. Richmond District $18 STUDIO APT. 4330 GEARY Clean, ouiet and sunny: util. incl On B-21 car. Bus.
girl. Apply 4328 Geary, 9 to 5 wk. days. HA. (H)- Downtown $7 WK $25 mo.
up Van Ness. 840 nr. Ellis 2-3 ims. elevator, S.o Mod. beautifully furn.
4 rm. newly renov. Steam heat, re- frigeration. etc. 641 O'Farrell St.
BUSH, 06O Near POWELL HADDON HALL Affommodatlons for Businws Clrla. P1XK, 1111 SiiaciouB newly turn. 5 sun. 2 1b. vn.
quirt. OR. "870, 8ET.ECT downtown hotel TREMAIN APTS. Large 2-3 room Pay and night lobby; hotel service, tlOl O'FARRELL. PRos.
9504, Weekly and Monthly Rates. Direction of P. TREMAIN LOUD, 163 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED If sou do not find the vacancyyoii desire listed here sail in person at The F.xaniiner's Free Rental Bureau. Room 623. Hearst Bldg.
Open 10 a. m. to 12 noon and 2 p. m. to 4 p.
m. dully txcept Saturday and IMiiiday. East ot Van Ness $16 Telegraph Hill Studio type, 3 priv. bath. 320 Chestnut.
$40 Taylor, 1420 Sunny 3-4 panor. marine stm. ht h. wtr. SUTTER ST.
REASONABLE RENT. West of Van Ness $25 Page, 7 80 3 stm. hot a ter, wall bed. Kltch. anuus S27.50-S42.50 900 Oak 3-7-8 rm apts.
steam, not water, rrigiqaire. $30 Sacramento, 349o. nr. Laurel. Newly decor.
6 tloors. $30 2185 O'Farrell 3 redec. Instant, hrtwrf. firs. Aduns $33.50 Fell, 1053 Sun.
3 stm. hot water, hdwd. floors, Garage available. C. 21.
6:132, $35 2343 Bush nr. Pierce 3 rms. Nice condition, jignt ano sunny. Trevor ft 71 Sutter S40 Attrac. 3 st.
heat, hot water, toatn and snower: one oiocs 21 car. 1010 Fell. HE. 8735. $42.50 3 rm.
st. lid. gar. ex. 745 Fillmore.
WE. $45 Lower 4 rm. steam heated apt. Frlgidaire, garage extra, phone. Rental dept.
MA. 1780, 9 to 5:30 for details and other listings. $50 UNION, 2600 Exceptionally tine 2 rm. apt. Avail.
July 5tn. $65 PACIFIC, 2398 4 RM. ARRANGED TO GIVE LARGE APARTMENT LUXURY AND CONVENIENCE CONSULT MANAGER $90 65 ROSSI 6 rm. duplex, sieam heat, 2 bedrooms, baths; garage. SK.
5820. CALIFORNIA. 1915 Beaut, res. apt. 6 sun.
rms. with 2 baths: sundeck: garage. CLAY 1950 A completely redecorated spacious 5 room apt. home. Not the upual apt.
Many clofifts new electric stove, refrlif. ALL utilities included. Service. GREEN. 2700 Clasa A 6 rm.
li bedrooms. Marine view. JACKSON, 2110 Marine view 4 modern features; par, incuio. VALLEJO, 2170 6 UNOBSTRUCTED MARINE VIEW. FIREPLACE.
OX PREMISES. DOUGLAS 7530. (M) Marina-Pacitio Heights District $752235 Beach St, 5 rm. Iue apt. a baths, stall snowers; an electric, canvas walls.
Adults only BRODERICK St. 7 rms. marine vw. 2 baths, sun elec. stove, st.
elec. incl. in rent. FI. H228 wk days Pet.
H-o CERVANTES. Mod. 4 stall shower, tile bath. Frig. Garage.
GREEN, 2052 Furnish, or unfurnish. apts. For information call Apt. 1. S115: Clav.
3701: beaut, 2 bed maid's 2 'oaths. SK. 5055 (N) Mission District $18 Chattanooga, 330, nr. 24th st. 3 sun, pt.
elec. Inc. Adults, 3219 23UD Si. Sun. stm.
gar. avail. Adults 0 West of Twin Peaks FOR lease, new 2 bedroom apt. flat; new Lakeside district: ultra mod Stoneson's. 1 Sloat Blvd.
MO. 8320, Richmond District $25 Clement, 3154 new. dec. sun. gas and elect.
Incl. SK. 2148. 5 ROOMS, 2 BATHS READY FOR OCCUPANCY Gorgeous view, beautiful corner, sunny and bright apt. Has everything.
Venetian shades, refrigerator, stove, steam heat. etc. Rent reas. 500 36th corner Geary, (R) Sunset-Parksirio LARKIN, 2525 Community built 6 rooms; view maid's room. fireplace; separate (S) Downtown $75 up Like new.
2 fash ionable sec, nr. KSirmont. tilt, inw (T) Miscellaneous S57.R0 BRAND new 3-room studio apt. Reg. bedroom, f.t.
stove, linol. Planked floors hot air furnace, iw bath, shower. Garage; view. 435 BIT.NA VISTA AVENUE. LAl'HMAX HE.
33110. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. 169 FLATS FOR RENT, FURNISHED BRYANT. 2230 3 up per, lower, nicely furn. hild.
O.K 170 FLATS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED $25. California, 3102. 5 sn. cir. ht.
stove, yard, gd. trans MO. 8o2. $27 Shotwetl, 886 Sunny 4 hdwd adults. MO.
6774. $27.50 NOE 1556, Clean 4 rms. and porch, linoleum, hardwood, circulating heater, instantaneous hot water. Near 9 and cars. 2 adults.
$27.50 Angelica. 24. nr. 19ih-Valen- cia. Sun.
4 rm. low. bdrms.Anults $27.50 4 room. circ. heat linoleum.
gar, no pets; mtant. Oak $30 5725 4 sun. new. garocnwt r. inc.
tar o. $ao Washington. 2941. nr. sun.
rencc, view, aim pen. $30 Clipper, 5325 quiet, rsrage. gd, car aauits $30 Laurel, 416 Sunny 6 heat, hardwood floors. $30 Fulton, 1706 Sun. modern cor ner; 8 adults, i4, $32.50 Flat of 7 rms.
Garage $2.50. A-1 for renting rooms. Phone itentat MA. 1780. to 5:30.
2 4 VALLEJO, 2525 Sgl. studio ma- nr. Presidio: E. cars. I1ST 1671 Two rms 1 double, 1 twin beds.
Sunset District. LARGE, sunny front rm beautifully single or twin beds; suit bus. people; heat, phone, delicious meals optional: 10 mlns. to downtown; cars 7. 17.
MA, 9640. VACATION in priv, home; every comfort: garden, vw bd. for 1 or 3 gent. Red. 818M, 131M.
Hillcrest, MIDDLE aged men or lady, private home, good food. MA. 162 CHILDREN BOARDED board. 1 or 2 3 yrs. up: rm.
for parent; quiet home.MA.4737 WILL care for am. child, rm, for par-ent. KLondlke 2-0376. Burnngama BEAUT, private country home: little girls: former teachers. Palo Alto SUMMER vacation at Capltola by the sea.
For reservation apply Hawthorne House for Boys. 909 Cowper St. Phone P. A. 2-9411.
163 HOTELS ST. REGIS HOTEL -75c to $1.50 Day; $3 Wk. 83 4TH ST. 50c Up Day; $2.50 Up Wk. HALE HOTEL 939 MISSION.
NR. 8TH ST. HOTEL BILTMORE Sunny rm. 'with baths; two nif-als daily. Southern xookin.
Taylor HOTEL PAUL, 630 GEARY Newly redec, perm, rates from $5 up. Transients $1 day up. HOTEL THOMAS, 871 MISSION. Newly renovated quiet, warm. Rate 60c Night, $3 Week Up.
NEAR BOTH BUS DEPOTS. WELIGME defense workers to the convenient Alpine. Live north of Market at south ot Market rates, $3.50 wk. up. Alpine Hotel.480 Pine THE WANT AD Service Bureau will answer bo numbers for you.
make appointments to see homes; autos. etc. SUtter 2424. 50c to $1.50 Day, $3 Week HILLSDALE HOTEL. 61 6TH ST, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL 50c day up, $3.50 wk.
1413 Market Something JCew Sliar-a-Kitthen Kenmore Residential Hotel, 1570 Sutter near Octavia. HYDE-CAL. HOTEL 1390 CALIF. COR. HYDE $1 day; $4.50 week: suites.
$42.50 month; garage WINTO.N FAMILY HOTEL Downtown 445 O'Farrell. $1 day $4 week up; with bath, $1.50 day. $32.60 Large double twin beds. Revegno Hotel. 14J0 Larkin.
164 ROOMS, FURNISHED $2 (TP 1125 Ellis Clean, sunny rooms, close, quiet: S3 WK. UP Van Ness. 3918 Sun studio heat, near cars. $3.50 WK. 303 Webster.
Sun. fr. quite close in: all con v. MA. 083o.
$4 WEEK Clean, home-like family hotel: showers, mvtns on every i loor. 62 TURK. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. $4 week; 95 Central sun, front room: continuous hot watery 55 WEEK UP Attractively bright, airy spac. lge.
closets. plenty ht hot wtr. 326 O'Farrell. $5 Chattanooga, 2 52 Kltch. priv.
com, llv wash, gar. Marina, nr. Army Sunny lge suit hath, shwr. 30 Ketiro wy $11 705 San Jose -un. front 1:909 aft.
5:30. newly redecor, A. 5 630 Bay. corner Colum bus. Just redecorated.
TU. 0939. $17.50 TURK 3136. FREE PHONE; GARAGE. Single man, EV.
8780 or OR. 8001 $18 Mo. Mod. rm. in new 5 rm.
flat, Neat pers. Nr. 18-t'hurch. UN. $18 Lge sun.
deck priv. lava tory; view; bus. per. 410 35th Ave. $20 UP 2022 New.
furn. stm. vw.i twin beds: priv bath: piano. Bd. opt.
WE.0152 $20 Attr. 2 pr. lite hskpg. Gar. Bus.
person, uard. jiu. 54.11. $20 2714 Polk Lge. bedroom, adj, tiatn, moqern: garage avanapie.
$22.60 Modern studio, vw priv. bath, off garden, car.GV.624 $25 Beautiful sunny front room 2016 California. yva. oohm. $35 bath.
Protestant family; gar, opt, uent. pto. ha. $25 Sun. studio, new hm vw Rltch.
for dub. girl. UK. 9074 $30 MO. 1 room In mod.
apt. All conv. wnower. uesire retinea iaoy. 1670 Market Art.
57. BUSH, 645 Quiet, reasonable; twin peos; accom. gents. Apt. low.
CALIFORNIA, 2275 Nicely furnished, running heat, shower. GOUGH. 1015 Lovely suite, twin beds: also kit, priv. PR. 9938.
LAGUXA, 2623. cor. Vsllejo Redec. studios, exc. Tac.
ref FI. 5656 36TH 418 PH. time. 1, 3 rms. Ideal for 1 or 2.
Vw. Prl. bath. Gar. SHIP YARD WORKERS Pausalito: elean.
comfortable rms. on hill overlooking administration bldg. Bechtel Shipyards. Reasonable PENTHOUSE. 20x30 studio fire place, st.
heat, park view. 2-3 bus. people. 1004 Fell St. CLEAN large hot wtr.
in rm. heat. Kef. Call aft. 6:30.
FI. 4551 165 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $2 WK. Sunny, newly gas, linen, radio, parking free, Also room, priv, bath, $3 wk, blk bus. 201 Madrid RA. 7732.
Clean 1-2 kitchen prlvll. Golden Gale. AValk. dist. $3 wk, Nice clean all included.
3.177 2HTH NR. MIHSIt'N. $3.50 WEEK UP ALL INCL. POLK, COR! SUTTER Sunny, clean rooms. 1214 Polk.
S3.50-S5 Market. 1878. Attrac. sun, rooms, kitchenettes: utilities incl. $10 UP 1677 Bush.
nr. Franklin use or Kitcnen. ah inciuuea. $14 MO. Post.
1356. nr. Van Ness Clean, quiet, with all Inc 27.50 All incl. 2 nice share kltch. with work.
cple. 2712 Callfor. $28 All inc. 3 3rd flr.t quiet borne: no pet. I Q2 Page, nr.
cole. PACIFIC. 2141 Studio type cm. kltnettes. quiet bus.
people. NICK light front equip, lor light all Incl. MI. 6783. 67 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FURNISHED If yon do not find the vacancy you de.lrp listed here rail In person at The Fnamlnrr's Free Rental Bureau.
Room Hearst Bldg, Open 10 a. m. to i'i noon and 3 n. m. to 4 l.
daily except Saturday and Sunday. TaV East of Van Ness Ave. $22.80 Dble. studio rm. for single g.
man. GR. 7403. OR. 5260, $125 Sublet ii attract.
3 rm. apt. Marine view. Open frplce. Call Mgr.
000 Chestnut. OR. 2887. $135 Army officer must rent attr. furn.
Russian Hill 6 rm. apt, with view. PR. 2530. CATHEDRAL HOTEL APTS.
SUBLET. NOB HILL: sunny 4 rm. cor. exquisitely furn. OR.
4370 (B) West of Van Ness Ave. $5 WK. 3728 23rd nr. Dolores sun. front ht.
water, rsr space. Suitable for single man. $30 LYON, 11" 2 rm. gas. el 1 hk.
from Haight. Adlts.HE.P4l. $32.50 Calif, porch. 206ll 3 lge. fireplace.
TU. 8423. clean, sun. sieam. hot water, gar avail.
2885 Bush St. $35 Haight, 1010 3 rni priv. bath. gas. elec.
incl. 3 pub. bath. 530. $37.50 MO.
907 HkiglH Beautiful sun. en. blinds, heat, tile uiil. incl. workg cpl.
$37.50 lg. 3 stm. Frig. Nr. Franklin Hosp.
85 Henry. $85; I860 Jackson: attractively spacious, sun, front 4 gar. $100 GOUGH 1635 Ultra rood 6 2 3 baths, con-crcte top util. lnft. per sunny 5 rmsH just renovated; new linoleum bain; ail rooma.
hall, atairw i-arpetPd solid. $2.50 flat of 6 nr. BALBOA Ka heat, hdwd. floors; adulia. Ph to 5 MO, for details.
$Ja ti upper. ar. close to Fillmore shoppm? district. Cars 4, KO, 1. Bush fct VE.
25H7. $Ju 0 RMS. and Kauae. Hdwd. firs Nice and aunny.
Clean, 15o9 Vasb-ingion St. DO. 4UtiU. S37.5u 5 aunny uuwr ft Clean. Good tenant.
804 ArffueWo corner -suiju caniornia rms uprer: siove, nn. htair carpet. $37.50 Clean, aun. A 1 bik. lo'th-Mlssion.
61 Hycam re 2211 Scott 8 and 11 rmi newiy stove, garage jO 76''7 Geary, nr. 4Hh Ave Mar. vw. new. dec: partly stove, heat: gr.
wjt- 50 BAKLft, New. dee. 0 rm gar. OV. $0.50 1404 1STH Ave.
room mod. upper flat, newly sunny. yar ateam heat. $55 8ih 50 Sunny upper 5 rm. apt.
flat, steam heat; block 4 car lines, shopping. Gar. Adults S55 7 murine ven. blinds. stove, hall carpet.
Lnion St $00 MARINA. 6 bkfat. stippled, furnace, new stove, sunny gard. St. Germain Co.
"vVA. 1230. $07.50 318 23RD Ave. 5 bkt't. mmlpfk: FK.
5nJ4 $73.50 Attrac. 5 rm. flat, plus penthouse, sun deck, canvas walla, ruga- linoleum, Frigidaire. stove, vene-tian blinds, gurage. 2528 Fulton St.
S75 FLNSTON, 480 Upper 7 rms with penthouse. 2 baths, kk. ff HAVES, 2133 Upper 5 sunrm almost new. Reas. Gar.
SK. 4480. LOYOLA 22 5-rm. bung, flat with, elevated penthouse newly hot Friff. 6 newly renovated; will furnish Inquire 9f9 McAllister St.
451 Ashbury 6 newly dec. gas furn. Gar. Auto, hot water. 171 APT.
FLATS FOR RENT $105 RUSSIAN HILL Distinctively 5 unf ma rine view, mir. patio. OR. 5000 172 HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNISHED $50 Peninsula, 329 Attrac. furn.
5 t. t. stove. adults. 512o rorest Hoi 5 rm sun den.
hdwd. tile bath. t. nice gar. OV.9H2 150 Worth 2o0, 6 3 baths Lnusual and unique.
FK. H.01. EXCLUSIVE, artistic six room borne; marvelous view overlooking St. Francis Wood, Merced Lake, golt courses, miles of ocean view. Furnished or unfurnished.
Reference required. Phone OVerland 2.03. 11 ROOMS, including 4 Cock tail Lounge. Maid Quarters, Itra Modern. Furnishings cost 25,000.
Lease for 8250 monlh. ORd. 3311. Applegat S50 month On Highway 40, neat- Auburn; artistic lodge of rooms on beautiful country estate: swim-nfing pool and hiking privileges: suitable tor permanent home away from blackoms; adults only. Phone Applegate IIF3.
Guernewood Park ACCOM. 7. sleep, avail, last 2 wks, July and mo. of Aug. DE.
26j9 Lak County 8 FURN, sleeping porch. Open air dining rm. Lge. liv, priv. pier, swimming, fishing.
Also furn. 4 rms. Mrs. Gus Buss. Pepper Wood Cove.
Hi. 20. Lucerne. Redwood City S50 Sum. con.
on Emerald Lake, Redwnoi city. MO. 740w, an, sun. Rockaway Beach $355 rm. bungalow furn.
gar den. Owner at 4140 22 st.VA.lH77. Russian River $604 spac. beau eompl. fur- nlsheu; good resp.
iamtiy, near Guernevllle. OR. 00H9. 173 HOUSES FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED $35 nth Ave. 4 rm.
cottage. Key. Meyer Bros. SKa. 473, S35 1430 11TH Ave.
4 rm. cottage Key. Meyer Bros. SE. 47M3.
$47.50 5-rm. patio home, 3 narawooa tioors. garnen. gas iui nace. fireplace; nr.
all shipyards Nueva. RAndolph 0222. $50 5 and sunrm'. bungalow. Park side: redec; near cars.
SAXE RKALTy.l10 8thAv.JJV,Jl 17 $50 815 40tll A-1 cond gas pr. park Ph. MR, DONNER. Mission 3800 $00 Brand new ft rm. bung, or will sell dn.
jSiH) mo. price axt.otiu McCarthy. 1045 Judah nl 22nd Av $052207 20th Ave. 6-room bunga low: plank floors, stall shower, til kitchen and baih, 2 bedrooms, knot, ty pine brkfst. rm.
Garden. Nr. shop. dist. car.
MO. 209" $U5 35TH 1854 5 rms. All tile pullman stall shower, mo. old. a-car gar.
block Mun bus. Front gard. yard. LO. 6-6H08 $65 WEST Portal.
Detached, redecorated, 3 large bedrooms, tile bath. ex. lav. Nr. car.
DE. 7237 S65 Russ. Hill 6 rm. home. ht.
hdwd. Rent or sell S7.HOU. A D'Angelo. 453 Columbus. Du.
54aO $150 2555 FILBERT 4 bed 2 baths and servant's qtrs. grand marine view: sunny garden OPEN TODAY. Phone DO, 433 ATTRACTIVE 8 room, new. stall shower, full basement, furnace, nice yard. liiuti Ave.
RM. cottage. 488 Wilde vie 3rd-San Bruno. Open Sun. morn Redwood City $30 28 BIRCH ST.
$10 mo. up Small furnished offices with phone service; also larger space. Finance 880 Market $45 Fillmore. 3145 30x150, suit soda fountain, llv. quarters SPACE for florist, fully equipped Romey'a Market 2100 Chestnu STORE Best relall location.
Sutter of volume basis. DO. 3014 Opportunity to save. 315 Mnntinnv. 523.
furn. office with serv. DO.wfiw ISO HOMES FOR SALE GAt.Ll BUILT 2 bedroom Defense Home. $4,500. As low as $J1 month.
OVrrland 7021 $450 CASH. $50 month. 184 Edge woo.i Ave. Gorgeous view. 7 rm residence.
Ph. OV. 2201. 433 Llll'l'ST Si. II rm.
house. bedrooms: Inrge carcire, lot: newly renovated: DE. P4ft4. DO you want a Bargain? Good 4-rm home for only $2,475. Lisbon St A.
B. Frank 4007 Mission SI ULLOA at 34th Ave. New 6 room homes all lath, plaster, colored tile $6.6110. A. NELSON, Builder, PLAN for the future! Defense homes In the Sunset $4,500.
FHA Title VI. 32nd-Ortega. Doelger. 320 Judah MOVE right In. IS new homes Just completed: 42nd Ave.
and Moraga Claude f. Lindsay. 824 Ta raval St. 2576 24TH AVE. 5 rm.
det. bungs-low: gas turn. 84.750. Earl M. Ber- endsen.
1386 9th Ave. OV. 70110 bbAl TIFl mod. many erj 541 Rolpb St, Oi-ii. mod.
li-rm. cor ner Jinm'vSS. 750. terms. DE.
5757 3 LEFT. New view homes. Open. 2070 rastro. y5.75P.
FHA, UN. 2795. NEW Silver Terrace homes. $3. 750 up.
Cor. Thornton-Venus. UN. 2705 lAVK S500, New homes. Onlv 3 2403 Ocean.
DE. 7 left SMALL 4 rm. cottages, front and rear: $3.700. 406-408 Arlingotn. rooms.
large tile bath, sink; car garage. 935 Innes ave. (This classification continued en next pace.) 115 THE BULLETIN BOARD JPJ1 a I a BEDR. set. $25; 'wedge, kltch.
siv $12: Simm. rwin couch, $18; lihr. thl $1. UX. 4023, 1303 Pago, BED SPRINGS, extra heavy, oversized: $10.
WE. 4060. BED, double, complete. $11.50, Baker, or phone WA. 4107.
b4j BEDS, roller. 2.. Marshal Stern, like new, $17.50 ea. 801 Baker, Apt. 2 BEDS.
2 single, 2 dressers, complete. $32.50: wal. dbl. bed, $12. MO.H9H8 BICYCLE, English Phillips.
Al also U. E. sun lamp, VA, 2190, 38 Whitney. CARPET. 300 yds.
high grade lled carp. Pr. Telephone BE. 0967. CHESTS (2).
orig. hand carved Chi' ncse. A. lim. alter o.
DESK. "Rucker Fuller." iai'Ke. with glass top: S0, Hlgate M64. ICEBOX, while porcelain, good coni! Cap. 150 lbs.
$35. SU. 0058. loc. 13 LADY'S 15 Jwl.
Swiss wristwatih, $6.50: Scotch plaid auto seat covers. $6. MO. 1-0424. 1S16 24th Ave.
MATTRESS. 4 in. Latex rubber. Hos- pital bed si7e. New.
4Q. SK. 612' ILAY pen and padding, rollapsiblc. iurse sue. raised lioor, nu, iw, 4661.
after 6:30 p. m. carpenter tools, $l-40; 100 yds. carpet. 30c-3(lc.
WA .0054 PRESSURE cooker. $5. Fireless cooker. $10. MI.
Call Mon. RING, eiiKiigement. 9 diamond soli taire, $90. BA. 2U00, before 10.
after 7. RUGS. 3 white Kerr. 12'x2U. $10 13x15', $25.
ORmda SAKE COMBINATION LOCK; SMALL: $30. HIGATE 6464. SEWING much. White Rotary portable electric. XeV.
S75. WE. 8077 STOVE. Spark 4 left lul. oven $27.50: coil wtr.
tank $15: Bohn whle enamel ice box $15. 618 3rd Ave STOVE, t. t. Wmlgewood. purchased Dec '41 6 burner, 2 ovens.
2 broil. erg. (trill. $197.50. WE.
6852. STOVE, gas range. 4 burner and large oven. $25. SE.
6221 TABLE, antique, marble top. $20 phone stand, chair. OR. 4i92 stund. bills.
$60. 0-5. TE. 4106, aft. 5.
APT. 4. 3 ALL GLASS show cases. $10 N. C.
register. 823. 2009 Irving 1 ROOMS med. Kiade $49.50 rugs. $5: run'rs.
$1 .50 up. AT. 4356 115A THE BULLETIN BOARD Wants ICE BOX, white porcelain, medium size, up to $15. FR1GIDAIRE. 4-5-6 cu.
pay to $33. OR. 1724. 4 cu. recent stand, mk.
Gd. will pay $50. GR. 4625. WASHING machine, late model Pay $50 up.
Must be In good condition. BA, 7100. 117 Furnltura and Household Goods for Sala FOR outstanding values in new and used furniture and household goods read this column daily it, upon carefully checking the mer chandise offered you are unable to find the article you wish to buy, place a small 'WANTED TO BUY' Bdvertisemenr in the Want Ad BULLETIN BOARD. You'll be amazed at the results you will get for, many people are unaware of the value of unused articles thee- possess in fact, they won't even bother to advertise them for sale yet they'll promptly respond to a wanted To Buy advertisement. These little 'result-getting' WANT- ADS are inexpensive, cost as little as oUc.
For quick results, place your 'WANTED TO BUY" ad today call SUtter 2424. ask for an Ad-taker; or come to Examiner Office, 3rd and Market. (In East Bay telephone TEmplebar 2424.1 CLOSE.OUT SPECIALS Bxl2 wool Axmlnster rugs-. $20. 50 lixtz rugs pads 2.95 (Solid oak breakfaat set.
4 chairs. table 19.50 7 way floor lamp, silk shade 6.95 inlaid linoleum 95c yd. R. Knight Son, 665 -Valencia, RUGS, CARPETS, oversizes, etc. sample 9x12 $12.50: Axminstcr.
$21.60: 9x18 green frieze, $75; 9x12 blue frieze. $43: many others. Used 9x12 Amer. Oriental, $65; hall runners, $1.25 1964 UNION' till 8 p. m.
VA. 9102. ON VACATION. Watch this ad for REOPENING DAY, with bigger and better Rug values than ever. LEVER Oriental Rug Cleaners, 1784 Union.
01. 6358. PRACTICALLY NEW Swedish modern living room and dining rooms. End tables, lamns, pair chairs, G. E.
refrigerator. I'wner. lumnaro e-niios. USED WEDGE WOOD TRASH Burner with large oven, oven control. Semiporeelnin, rebuilt and guaranteed, $29.93.
CHAS. BROWN ft SONS, SI 3 MKT. ST. MATTRESSES, slightly shop worn. iioor samples, aooui hair retnil prices.
CLOSE OUT. McROSKEY AIRFLEX Mattress Co. 1687 Market St. Opp. Gough.
3 Rooms New Furniture $89 BEDROOM set Living room set. uiKlfl set 51.60 WEEKLY, Home Furn. 1401 Market, cor. 10th. Must Sell Furn.
Reasonable 2 mos. old. 14 Hollywood Court. 1 block above Mission off Pope. REPOSS'D furniture for 4 rooms with rugs.
Everything eomplete. Balance due $89. Lots of extras. Terms. Open eves, 833 Mission St.
FACTORY samples i piece early California bedroom sets, beautiful palm finish. Only $29. terms. Home. 1401 Mkt.
at 10th. On. evs. WOULD you like a box number an- swerea lor you? The Examiner Viant Ad Service Bureau will get 1t. Call sutler 2424.
FURNITURE, new; at warehouse prices; very large stock. Deovlet's, 1660 Pine nr. Van Ness, Open eves, "Wise Buyers Shop Prices." WEDGEWOOD trash burner ranee. All winte porcelain, lid top. $25.
Very good cond. 1226 Stockton 81. WATER heater. Ruud autowater Instant. Rugs.
misc. By private party moving. 435 Duhoce Ave. Not Sun. BRAND new 4 piece Early Calif, bed- rm.
sei, terms, market St. Van ft Storage. 1875 Mission St. 5 RMS, furniture, complete: lamps. runs, radio, excellent buy.
1770 Market. DRAPERIES mads free If materials oougni nere. estimates given. oeary st. at 14tii Ave 3 COMPLETE modern J'-oo.
call after 6:30 p. m. 040 Leavenworth, Apt. 1. TU.
0358. REPOSSESSED 2-PC. chestrf leld set. r.xeeptional value terms. Peoples 833 Mission.
snssion. at. PIANO Baby grand. Chlckering. Gen.
Elec. washer; hoth like new. Ccfh. Must sell. 1557.
DINING sei. Oak. Bdroom st. ma- nogany, at sat-rlftce. sk.
9271. Oakland CARLOAD of 1942 furniture at lowest warehouse prices. Big hearted Bill Harden. 5th and Grove, Oakland Domestic Finance Corporation A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BORROW Room 765 Fhelan Bids. 700 Market EX.
8900. In Oakland: Suite 300. Ray 1924 Broadway. HI 828S. NEED A VACATION? BTATB can loan you money for your vacation or pay those bills before you go.
ORdway 68 01. FOR FHONE MR. BECKES. EX. 8484.
204 Central Tower. Market at 3rd LOANS $5.50 PER $100 Repayable in 10 monthly Instalments, Remedial Loan Ass'n. 932 Mission. 1-2-3 LOAN SERVICE (1) Furniture; income: M) auto, consumers Credit, 928 Van Ness. GR.
5544. FAMILY, FINANCE 401 Flood 870 Market Ft. PI'. S5KS LOANS $25 TO $500 Personal Finance. 830 Market Pt.
112A FURS BOUGHT 100 CASH PAID for USED FURS. 8. F. FUR EXCHANGE, 133 Kearny 113 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE SAN FRANCISCO MORTGAGE Corp. tee us for First-Second loans WP BUY MORTGAGES 132 Putter Street.
SU. 6616. 113A MONEY WANTED Real Estate V-S i.i. i MONEY BRINGS 6 wny Accept Lees We can lend your money on 1st mortgages. Any amount from $1,000 to $10,000.
Our clients have suffered no losses in 16 yrs. Ph. us immediately. Mora Really BnOo Tofranil Oakland. OL.
2801 114 MONET WANTED DOCTOR desires financial aid for a health resort. Box H020. Ex. 117 Furniture and Household Goods for Sala LINOLEUM remnants. 36x36.
Wal. lamp tables, glass top $4.95 UNION BASEMENT. 1017 Market. i BATTLESHIP linoleum 97c sq. yd.
mq.i.ino. roue, fn. 9403. DINING rm ext. table.
64 In fumed oag. I'leomnnt MATTRESSES andolmed. All sizes. Kpasoraoie. em uivtsadero.
LIVING rm. 0 pc. ensmble $139.60. Barg. Pchwarr.
123.1 Dlvisartero CHESTERFIELD, 3 nice carpet, ooa pieces, ot unurcti St. 10 OAK CHAIRS. LEATHER SEATS, r.A'.n. i iff I iTH ST. LINOLEUM, genuine inlaid.
75 cents sq. yd. 2230 Polk St. PH. 9263.
TWO complete floors used furn. and rmra. France storage, ipsa STOVE. Magic Chef. sm 3 burners; go.
cu nin Ave BARGAIN Like new. Wilton rug and -reiecnron msntei i'k, nRS2. The BARGAIN BASEMENT Each article must be priced. None to exceed $15. "Bog Number" personal service, livestock or exchange ads not acceptable here.
Seven-day sd coats as little ss $2.86. Phons Ad-Taker. SUtter 2421, (East Bay call TEmpleoar Find other bargains um- Classifications 117 156 147 BARGAIN BASEMENT ABBEY CHROME CHAIRS. $5.50. at conventions.
22 io Market. AUTO, water healers. $15. Domestic Gas 131 Polk St. BATTLESHIP linoleum, 97c sq.
yd. Btrt, lino. 22.10 Polk. PR. 926.1.
DESK. $3: couch. gas range, $10; rii'iio, cms. FIREWOOD FREE CLEVELAND WRECKING CO 2800 3RD ST. LINOLEUM PRINTS.
4 si), 11.00 INLAIDS, sq. yd 59c C0NGOLEUM type rug $3.49 CHRIS PEDERSEN 150 STEIN ER Ven 'Waller. tN. 844J. LINOLEUM clearance.
Linoleum laid. MATTRESSES. UNCLAIMED, $4.95. Rebuilt Kapok mattresses with good cover, $6.95. Buy factory-to-you and save.
National Msttress Co. 2620 ST, VA. 6911. MATTRESSES, used. $4.95 up.
Inner. springs. $9 95 up. New $13. Form Fit.
1075 Folsom. MA. PAINT. ALL COLORS $1.10 GAL, Cut Rate wreckers. 1740 Folsom PIN BALL games large size $3 to $3: cost $30.
664 Howard. REVOLVERS. 32-38 caliber, as low as $6.50. RELIABLE LOAN 109 Third San Francisco. RUG.
9x12. $15. Crib, $10.45 ctmiiir i ni 1 Ain i SUITS, Overroatu, fine tailoring, un- le3 for. gll.50-$ 12.60. 41 4th Ft, ISUJTfl.
XQOi rioairtar ot. to Sig.fifl. 1017 Hnwarfl St. i.