#Mythika | myth-lord (2024)

Some fun little list-thingy.

I’m obsessed with making lists, like 99% (me being the 1%) is obsessed with traveling around the world or having luxury vacations, I’m obsessed and addicted to making useless lists nobody cares for and nobody can learn from. ;-)

In these countless lists are all monsters which are the most powerful of their kinds, this can be elemental-links, environments, game-sprites or stats.

All lists are from 5 (least) to 1 (best), and all monsters are from Mythika, not from the real myths they were taken from.Also, I’ve left out the bosses and good-guys, for reasons as I don’t want every list to only contain the bosses, they are mostly more powerful than the normal enemies.

TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL FIRE-BASED CREATURES:5: Kelpie, Each Tened (Irish) – Fae / Shifter 4: Imp, Ukobach (French) – Demon3: Cherufe (Mapuche) – Elemental 2: Ifrit (Arabian) – Elemental / Genie / Shifter1: Unhcegila, Gaasyendietha (Native American) – Dragon / Alien

ALL OTHER FIRE CREATURES: Aatxe / Aitvaras / Banshee, Candileja / Enenra / Gloson / Muirdris, Kurage-No-Hinotama / Muscaliet / Nekomata, Kasha / Pyrausta / Salamander / Stella / Succubus, Empusa / Wanyudo


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL AIR & LIGHTNING-BASED CREATURES:5: Impundulu (African) – Beast / Avian 4: Kamaitachi (Japanese) – Fae 3: Ebajalg, Iya (Native American) – Elemental / Spirit 2: Asdeev (Persian) – Dragon / Shifter 1: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit

ALL OTHER STORM & AIR CREATURES: Death Worm / Ebajalg / Ebajalg, Hala / Enenra / Haietlik / Harpy, Veela / Hongaek / Kelpie, Ceffyl Dwr / Nuberu / Peuchen / Raiju / Wendigo / Will o Wisp, Brollachan


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL WATER & ICE-BASED CREATURES:5: Charybdis (Greek) – Aberration 4: Umibozu (Japanese) – Elemental / Spirit 3: Hrimpursar (Norse) – Elemental / Giant 2: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit 1: Unhcegila, Amhuluk (Native American) – Dragon / Alien

ALL OTHER WATER & ICE CREATURES: Abaia / Amarok, Akhlut / Asdeev / Banshee, Llorona / Berberoka / Colorobetch / Cuero, Vatnsandi / Death Worm, Ice Worm / Dipsa, Haermorrhois / Dorotabo / Ebajalg, Hala / Fossegrim / Gargoyle, Gargouille / Globster / Globster, Ozaena / Goblin, Ijiraq / Karkinos, Traicousse / Kelpie / Lamia, Nure Onna / Mahaha / Mahaha, Ninya / Marabbecca / Mishibizhiw / Morgawr / Muirdris, Bisha Ga Tsuku / Nguruvilu / Phooka, Ishigaq / Polong / Qalupalik / Rakshasa, Raktabija / Rougarou, Adlet / Salamander / Suiko / Unhcegila / Vodyanoi, Bagiennik / Vodyanoi, Bolotnik / Wendigo / Yuki-Onna / Zombie, Draugr


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL EARTH, METAL & ROCK-BASED CREATURES:5: Planctae, Nargun (Australian) – Elemental 4: Cherufe (Mapuche) – Elemental 3: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit 2: Gowrow, Nidhogg (Norse) – Dragon 1: Dorotabo, Land Wight (Norse) – Elemental / Spirit

ALL OTHER EARTH, METAL & ROCK CREATURES: Amikuk / Asag / Black Annis, Utlunta / Buggane / Centaur, Anggitay / Dactyl / Death Worm, Minhocao / Dorotabo / Dorotabo, Ahi At-Trab / Gargoyle / Gargoyle, Grotesque / Gargoyle, Gargouille / Gold-Digging Ant / Hodag / Hodag, Gowrow / Jinshin Mushi / Kelpie, Apaosha / Kobold / Kobold, Karzelek / Lamia, Gorgon / Musimon / Ngoubou / Ngoubou, Emela-Ntouka / Nurikabe / Pixiu / Planctae / Planctae, Pua Tu Tahi / Stymphalian / Stymphalian, Asipatra / Terra-Cotta / Tesso / Vodyanoi, Bolotnik / Zombie, Mummy


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL SHADOW & DARKNESS-BASED CREATURES:5: Moroi, Strigoi (Romanian) – Undead / Vampire / Shifter / Parasite4: Akheilos, Isonade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Spirit3: Popobawa (African) – Demon / Shifter / Parasite 2: Umibozu (Japanese) – Elemental / Spirit 1: Zirnitra (Slavic) – Dragon / Shifter

ALL OTHER SHADOW & DARKNESS CREATURES: Amarok / Barghest / Barghest, Gwyllgi / Basilisk, Xhumpedzkin / Bauk / Bauk, Nalusa Falaya / Black Annis, Nocnitsa / Dalaketnon / Lampad / Mngwa / Moroi / Nue / Phooka / Salawa / Sigbin / Skinwalker, Raven Mocker / Tikbalang / Valravn / Valravn, Nachtkrapp / Will o Wisp, Brollachan


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL LIGHT-BASED CREATURES:5: Caspilly, Marool (English) – Demon / Fish 4: Fossegrim, Katsura-Otoko (Japanese) – Fae / Nymph 3: Kongamato, Ropen (Indonesian) – Beast / Reptilian2: Poludnica (Slavic) – Fae / Nymph1: Manticore, Sphinx (Greek) – Beast / Chimerae

ALL OTHER LIGHT CREATURES: Scytalis / Will o Wisp / Will o Wisp, Adze


TOP 5 MOST SCARY LOOKING MONSTERS:5: Valravn, Nachtkrapp (German) – Undead / Avian4: Rawhead (English) – Fae / Bogey3: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit 2: Will o Wisp, Brollachan (Scottish) – Elemental / Spirit / Parasite 1: Barghest, Gwyllgi (Welsh) – Undead / Shifter

OTHERS WHO LOOK HORRIFYING: While most monsters look monstrous and scary, these in-game sprites will send a shiver down your spine.

Akheilos, Isonade / Amarok / Aswang, Kubot / Aswang, Berbalang / Banshee, Pesta / Banshee, Llorona / Banshee, Candileja / Barghest / Bauk / Bauk, Nalusa Falaya / Black Annis / Black Annis, Utlunta / Black Annis, Nocnitsa / Bubak / Caleuche / Caspilly, Marool / Chupacabra / Colorobetch / Dullahan / Ewah / Fachen / Faun, Bocanach / Fear Liath / Gloson / Goblin, Ijiraq / Hongaek / Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo / Jenglot / Jubokko, Waldgeist / Karkinos, Traicousse / Kelpie, Apaosha / Kelpie, Each Tened / Kurita / Mahaha, Ninya / Mambabarang / Mambabarang, Mandarangkal / Moroi, Strigoi / Mothman / Muirdris, Bisha Ga Tsuku / Nekomata, Kasha / Nependis, Hidebehind / Osschaart / Phooka, Acheri / Poltergeist, Dybbuk / Popobawa / Psoglav / Redcap / Rokurokubi / Rougarou, Kludde / Sianach / Skinwalker, Raven Mocker / Sluagh / Succarath / Tikbalang / Tiyanak, Myling / Tupilaq, Mekurabe / Valravn / Wendigo / Zirnitra / Zombie, Fext


TOP 5 MOST DISGUSTING LOOKING MONSTERS :5: Bezkost (Slavic) – Undead / Vampire / Parasite 4: Invunche (Chilean) – Construct / Spirit (All three variants)3: Aswang, Manananggal (Philippine) – Undead / Vampire 2: Alp-Luachra (Irish) – Aberration / Parasite (only the host-version)1: Tiyanak, Munkur (Turkish) – Undead / Parasite

OTHERS WHO LOOK DISGUSTING: Not as disgusting as the top 5, these creatures come close with their horrid forms and faces. Their looks and behavior make you want to throw up. Think about bones which stick out, skulls which are visible, skins which are crawling with diseases, monstrous fleshy forms or oozes, or creatures which miss body parts and crawl around without legs.

Akaname / Aniwye / Batibat / Burach Bhadi / Caspilly, Swamfisk / Catoblepas / Charybdis / Chemosit / Chicheface / ChonChon / Dheeyabery / Druj Nasu / Erymanthian, Bonguru / Eurynomos / Globster / Globster, Ozaena / Gulon, Taotie / Iku-Turso / ka*wkaw / Mandragora, Devalpa / Marabbecca / Muirdris / Nuckelavee / Nurikabe / Oniate / Oniate, Mano Peluda / Polong / Qalupalik / Rakshasa, Brahmaparush / Rat King, Lavellan / Sagari / Sagari, Hrokkall / Sazae-Oni / Stray Sod, Hungry Grass / Tenome / Tiyanak / Wanyudo / Xan, Alkuntane / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Zombie


TOP 5 MOST CUTE LOOKING INGAME MONSTER SPRITES:5: Cactus Cat (Fearsome Critter) – Plant 4: Pyrausta (Cyprus) – Dragon / Vermin (both variants)3: Nekomata (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Shifter 2: Carbuncle (Paraguay) – Fae / Parasite1: Keukegen (Japanese) – Aberration

OTHERS WHICH LOOK CUTE: Don’t you want to cuddle these cuties? Well they want to cuddle you, but not without danger for your health. While they look cute, they are anything but.

Carbuncle, Yamabiko / Gancanagh / Issitoq / Ittan-Momen / Muscaliet / Otso, Drop Bear / Phooka / Phooka, Adhene / Raiju / Stray Sod / Veo


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL CREATURES: These is end-game material, the most dangerous monsters you face in the game. 5: Akkorokamui, Lusca (Caribbean) – Aberration / Cephalopod 4: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit 3: Hydra, Orochi (Japanese) – Dragon 2: Tiamat, Dahaka (Persian) – Dragon 1: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan


TOP 5 WEAKEST CREATURES: These are the weakest enemies you face in the game, with the least stats and least HP.5: Alp-Luachra (Irish) – Aberration / Parasite (Non-Host variant)4: Zombie (African) – Undead (Crawling Corpse variant)3: Carbuncle (Paraguay) – Fae / Parasite2: Issitoq (Inuit) – Construct 1: Goblin (M-European) – Humanoid (Goblin Sneak variant)


TOP 5 FASTEST LAND CREATURES:5: Mngwa (African) – Fae 4: Centaur, Anggitay (Philippine) – Fae / Beastman / Nymph 3: Raiju (Japanese) – Elemental / Shifter 2: Wanyudo (Japanese) – Construct / Spirit 1: Kamaitachi (Japanese) – Fae

OTHERS FAST CREATURES: The faster a creature is, the earlier it attacks during a battle, some creatures are so fast, they attack twice in the turn of a slower creature.

Bauk / Bauk, Nalusa Falaya / Buckrider / Calopus / Calopus, Parandrus / Intulo / Karkadann / Karkadann, Indrik / Kurita / Kumiho / Miraj / Rat King, ColoColo / Rokurokubi / Salawa / Shadhawar / Sianach / Sigbin / Skinwalker, Nagual / Tikbalang / Tuyango


TOP 5 FASTEST FLYING/HOVERING CREATURES:5: Nuberu (Spanish) – Fae / Gnome4: Qinyuan (Chinese) – Beast / Chimerae / Avian / Vermin / Swarm3: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit 2: Cyclops, Papinijuwari (Australian) – Aberration / Giant / Alien 1: Unhcegila, Gaasyendietha (Native American) – Dragon / Alien

OTHERS WITH SWIFT FLYING SPEED: Akheilos, Tiburon / Baykok / Baykok, Mokoi / Cwn Annwn / Druj Nasu / Ebajalg / Ebajalg, Hala / Ebajalg, Iya / Harpy, Veela / Impundulu / Kelpie, Ceffyl Dwr / Olitiau


TOP 5 FASTEST SWIMMING CREATURES:5: Adaro (Solomon Island) – Humanoid / Beastman / Fish4: Haietlik (Native American) – Dragon / Sea Serpent 3: Echeneis (M-European) – Beast / Fish / Parasite 2: Nguruvilu (Mapuche) – Beast / Chimerae / Reptilian 1: Mishibizhiw (Native American) – Beast / Chimerae / Fish

OTHERS WITH SWIFT SWIM SPEED: Akheilos, Tiburon / Akheilos, Isonade / Akkorokamui / Akkorokamui, Migas / Akkorokamui, Lusca / Amarok, Akhlut / Boobrie / Caleuche / Con Rit / Con Rit, Skolopendra / Cuero, Vatnsandi / Goblin, Grindylow / Kelpie / Skinwalker, Selkie / Umibozu / Water Leaper / Ziphius, Sverdhvalur


TOP 5 TOUGHEST/DEFENSE CREATURES:5: Death Worm, Minhocao (Brazilian) – Beast / Vermin 4: Ziphius, Skeljungur (Icelandic) – Beast 3: Nurikabe (Japanese) – Elemental / Ooze / Shifter2: Zombie, Fext (Slavic) – Undead1: Wyvern, Cuelebre (Spanish) – Dragon

OTHER TOUGH CREATURES: Touch creatures have strong armor and defense, they mostly have more hitpoints as well, making them strong opponents.

Adaro, Zitiron / Ahuizotl, Ugjuknarpak / Asag / Batibat / Black Annis, Utlunta / Blemmyes, Xing Tian / Brucha / Cactus Cat, Splinter Cat / Charybdis / Cherufe / Con Rit, Skolopendra / Dactyl / Dorotabo, Land Wight / Eurynomos / Fulad-Zereh / Gargoyle / Gargoyle, Grotesque / Gargoyle, Gargouille / Gold-Digging Ant / Inulpamahuida / Jidra / Jinshin Mushi / Jubokko / Jubokko, Umdhlebi / Jubokko, Waldgeist / Juggernaut / Karkinos / Karkinos, Heikegani / Karkinos, Traicousse / Karkinos, Saratan / Lukwata / Mapinguari / MbieluMbielu, Muhuru / Nependis, Hidebehind / Omukade / Osschaart / Pixiu / Planctae / Planctae, Nargun / Planctae, Pua Tu Tahi / Rahara / Rat King / Sazae-Oni / Stymphalian / Stymphalian, Asipatra / Suiko / Veo


TOP 5 STRONGEST CREATURES:5: Rahara (Venezuela) – Plant 4: Burrunjor, Odontotyrannus (Greek) – Beast / Reptilian 3: Kokogiak (Inuit) – Beast 2: Ngoubou, Emela-Ntouka (African) – Beast / Reptilian 1: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan

OTHERS STRONG CREATURE: Not as powerful in strength as the top 5, these creatures come close, strong creatures have better attack, and can lift more items.

Akkorokamui, Lusca / Behemoth / Behemoth, Hua-Hu-Tiao / Cyclops, Bungisngis / Death Worm, Minhocao / Dorotabo, Land Wight / Gegenees / Hodag, Nidhogg / Hrimpursar / Hydra, Orochi / Juggernaut / Karkadann, Indrik / Minotaur, Erchitu / Musimon / Musimon, Barometz / Myrmecoleon / Ngoubou / Tiamat, Dahaka / Tiyanak, Munkur / Ziphius, Hrosshvalur


TOP 5 MOST INTELLIGENT CREATURES:5: Tesso (Japanese) – Humanoid / Beastman 4: Hyakume (Japanese) – Aberration 3: Agrippa (French) – Construct / Spirit 2: Manticore, Sphinx (Greek) – Beast / Chimerae1: Rakshasa, Brahmaparush (India) – Demon / Oni

OTHER VERY INTELLIGENT CREATURES: Intelligent creatures are better in casting spells, they have more mana stored, and are better strategists in battle.

Asdeev / Baykok, Mokoi / Black Annis, Nocnitsa / Dactyl / Dalaketnon / Doppelganger / Fear Liath / Gegenees, Virabhadra / Goblin, Ijiraq / Harpy, Gamayun / Hodag, Nidhogg / Ifrit / Imp / Imp, Gremlin / Jubokko, Waldgeist / Leshy / Leshy, Kayeri / Manticore, Piasa / Mothman / Poltergeist, Dybbuk / Popobawa / Pukwudgie / Rakshasa / Rakshasa, Raktabija / Rokurokubi / Tenome / Tiamat, Dahaka / Tikbalang / Ungaikyo / Unhcegila, Amhuluk / Unhcegila, Gaasyendietha / Valravn / Zirnitra


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL FAE:5: Valravn (Danish) – Fae / Avian / Shifter (Only in Raven Knight form)4: Black Annis, Nocnitsa (Slavic) – Fae / Hag 3: Kamaitachi (Japanese) – Fae 2: Tikbalang (Philippine) – Fae / Bogey1: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL SPIRITS:5: Dorotabo, Land Wight (Norse) – Elemental / Spirit 4: Caleuche (Chilean) – Construct / Spirit 3: Sluagh (Irish) – Undead / Spirit / Swarm2: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit1: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL UNDEAD:5: Moroi, Strigoi (Romanian) – Undead / Vampire / Shifter / Parasite 4: Bakekujira (Japanese) – Undead / Skeleton (Cachelot variant)3: Tupilaq, Gashadokuro (Japanese) – Undead / Skeleton 2: Sluagh (Irish) – Undead / Spirit / Swarm1: Zombie, Fext (Slavic) – Undead


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL ABERRATIONS:5: Scylla (Greek) – Aberration / Cephalopod4: Cyclops, Papinijuwari (Australian) – Aberration / Giant / Alien 3: Doppelganger (German) – Aberration / Alien / Shifter 2: Akkorokamui, Lusca (Caribbean) – Aberration / Cephalopod 1: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL GIANTS:5: Minotaur, Erchitu (Sardinian) – Humanoid / Beastman / Giant 4: Hrimpursar (Norse) – Elemental / Giant 3: Cyclops, Papinijuwari (Australian) – Aberration / Giant / Alien 2: Cyclops, Bungisngis (Philippine) – Humanoid / Giant 1: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL PLANTS:5: Jidra (Arabian) – Plant 4: Batibat (Philippine) – Plant 3: Jubokko, Umdhlebi (African) – Plant / Vampire2: Otso, El Tunche (Peru) – Plant / Spirit 1: Jubokko, Waldgeist (German) – Plant / Vampire / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL MAMMAL BEASTS:5: Karkadann, Indrik (Russian) – Beast / Unicorn 4: Ngoubou, Emela-Ntouka (African) – Beast / Reptilian 3: Kokogiak (Inuit) – Beast 2: Ziphius, Skeljungur (Icelandic) – Beast 1: Behemoth, Hua-Hu-Tiao (Chinese) – Beast / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL CHIMERAE:5: Ahuizotl, Ugjuknarpak (Inuit) – Beast / Chimerae 4: Nependis, Hidebehind (Fearsome Critter) – Fae / Chimerae / Shifter3: Nue (Japanese) – Beast / Chimerae / Shifter2: Manticore, Piasa (Native American) – Beast / Chimerae / Shifter1: Manticore, Sphinx (Greek) – Beast / Chimerae


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL BIRDS:5: Aitvaras (Lithuanian) – Dragon / Avian / Shifter 4: Stymphalian, Asipatra (Hindu) – Construct / Avian3: Impundulu (African) – Beast / Avian 2: Valravn (Danish) – Fae / Avian / Shifter 1: Valravn, Nachtkrapp (German) – Undead / Avian


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL FISH:5: Caspilly, Marool (English) – Demon / Fish 4: Cuero, Vatnsandi (Icelandic) – Aberration / Fish 3: Lukwata (African) – Beast / Fish 2: Abaia (Melanesian) – Beast / Fish 1: Akheilos, Isonade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Fish / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL REPTILIANS:5: Kaiaimunu (New Guinea) – Beast / Reptilian4: Dipsa, Seps (M-European) – Beast / Reptilian3: Lamia, Ajatar (Finnish) – Demon / Beastman / Reptilian2: Ngoubou, Emela-Ntouka (African) – Beast / Reptilian 1: Burrunjor, Odontotyrannus (Greek) – Beast / Reptilian


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL AMPHIBIANS:5: Water Leaper, Aglebemu (Native American) – Beast / Chimerae / Amphibian 4: Vodyanoi, Bolotnik (Slavic) – Humanoid / Beastman / Amphibian 3: Salamander (M-European) – Elemental / Amphibian 2: Bukavac (Slavic) – Beast / Amphibian 1: Asag (Sumerian) – Demon / Amphibian


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL VERMIN:5: Scorpios (Greek) – Beast / Vermin (Only the Sandwalker variant)4: Karkinos, Saratan (Arabian) – Beast / Vermin 3: Death Worm, Minhocao (Brazilian) – Beast / Vermin 2: Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Vermin 1: Omukade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Vermin


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL DEMONS:5: Akheilos, Isonade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Fish / Spirit 4: Minotaur, Arzshenk (Persian) – Demon / Beastman 3: Erinyes (Greek) – Demon / Angel 2: Omukade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Vermin 1: Rakshasa, Brahmaparush (India) – Demon / Oni


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL CONSTRUCTS:5: Stymphalian, Asipatra (Hindu) – Construct / Avian4: Pixiu (Chinese) – Construct / Spirit 3: Agrippa (French) – Construct / Spirit 2: Caleuche (Chilean) – Construct / Spirit 1: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL OOZES:5: Muirdris, Kurage-No-Hinotama (Japanese) – Aberration / Ooze / Vermin4: Butatsch (Swiss) – Aberration / Alien / Ooze 3: Muirdris, Bisha Ga Tsuku (Japanese) – Aberration / Ooze / Vermin2: Globster, Ozaena (Roman) – Aberration / Ooze / Cephalopod1: Nurikabe (Japanese) – Elemental / Ooze / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL ELEMENTALS:5: Cherufe (Mapuche) – Elemental 4: Ebajalg, Iya (Native American) – Elemental / Spirit 3: Umibozu (Japanese) – Elemental / Spirit 2: Dorotabo, Land Wight (Norse) – Elemental / Spirit 1: Ifrit (Arabian) – Elemental / Genie / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL BEASTMEN:5: Lamia, Nure Onna (Japanese) – Humanoid / Beastman / Reptilian4: Girtablilu, Serket (Egyptian) – Humanoid / Beastman / Vermin 3: Lamia, Ajatar (Finnish) – Demon / Beastman / Reptilian2: Minotaur, Erchitu (Sardinian) – Humanoid / Beastman / Giant 1: Minotaur, Arzshenk (Persian) – Demon / Beastman


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL DRAGONS:5: Hodag, Nidhogg (Norse) – Dragon 4: Zirnitra (Slavic) – Dragon / Shifter 3: Unhcegila, Gaasyendietha (Native American) – Dragon / Alien2: Hydra, Orochi (Japanese) – Dragon 1: Tiamat, Dahaka (Persian) – Dragon


TOP 5 MOST BEAUTIFUL MALE CREATURES:5: Gancanagh (Irish) – Fae / Leprechaun4: Dalaketnon (Philippine) – Fae / Elf (Male Assassin)3: Imp, Incubus (M-European) – Demon (Only inside the Dream-Realm)2: Fossegrim (Norwegian) – Fae / Nymph1: Fossegrim, Katsura-Otoko (Japanese) – Fae / Nymph


TOP 5 MOST BEAUTIFUL FEMALE CREATURES:5: Succubus, Empusa (Greek) – Demon 4: Phooka, Adhene (Manx) – Fae / Fairy3: Lampad (Greek) – Fae / Nymph / Shifter2: Yuki-Onna (Japanese) – Undead / Nymph1: Succubus (M-European) – Demon / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST BEAUTIFUL NON-HUMANOID CREATURES:5: Alraune (German) – Plant (both the Vampire Rose and the Nightshade)4: Pixiu (Chinese) – Construct / Spirit 3: Kumiho (Korean) – Demon / Oni 2: Cirein Croin (Scottish) – Dragon / Sea Serpent / Shifter 1: Scytalis (M-European) – Dragon / Reptilian


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL AQUATIC ENCOUNTERS:5: Umibozu (Japanese) – Elemental / Spirit 4: Caleuche (Chilean) – Construct / Spirit 3: Ziphius, Skeljungur (Icelandic) – Beast 2: Akkorokamui, Lusca (Caribbean) – Aberration / Cephalopod 1: Unhcegila, Gaasyendietha (Native American) – Dragon / Alien


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL DESERT ENCOUNTERS:5: Scorpios (Greek) – Beast / Vermin (Only the Sandwalker variant)4: Dorotabo, Ahi At-Trab (Arabian) – Elemental / Spirit3: Ichneumon, Leontophone (M-European) – Beast 2: Karkadann, Indrik (Russian) – Beast / Unicorn 1: Manticore, Sphinx (Greek) – Beast / Chimerae


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL UNDERGROUND ENCOUNTERS;5: Asag (Sumerian) – Demon / Amphibian 4: Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Vermin 3: Death Worm, Minhocao (Brazilian) – Beast / Vermin 2: Tupilaq, Gashadokuro (Japanese) – Undead / Skeleton 1: Hodag, Nidhogg (Norse) – Dragon


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL JUNGLE ENCOUNTERS:5: Cyclops, Bungisngis (Philippine) – Humanoid / Giant 4: Otso, El Tunche (Peru) – Plant / Spirit 3: Behemoth, Hua-Hu-Tiao (Chinese) – Beast / Shifter2: Death Worm, Minhocao (Brazilian) – Beast / Vermin 1: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL SWAMP ENCOUNTERS:5: Codrille (French) – Dragon 4: Karkinos, Saratan (Arabian) – Beast / Vermin 3: Jubokko, Waldgeist (German) – Plant / Vampire / Spirit2: Wyvern, Cuelebre (Spanish) – Dragon 1: Codrille, Sruvara (Persian) – Dragon


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL MOUNTAIN ENCOUNTERS:5: Asdeev (Persian) – Dragon / Shifter 4: Cherufe (Mapuche) – Elemental 3: Wyvern, Cuelebre (Spanish) – Dragon 2: Ebajalg, Iya (Native American) – Elemental / Spirit 1: Dorotabo, Land Wight (Norse) – Elemental / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL TUNDRA ENCOUNTERS:5: Death Worm, Ice Worm (Icelandic) – Beast / Vermin4: Asdeev (Persian) – Dragon / Shifter 3: Hrimpursar (Norse) – Elemental / Giant 2: Kokogiak (Inuit) – Beast 1: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL FELINE CREATURES:5: Akhekh (Egyptian) – Beast / Chimerae / Avian4: Nekomata, Kasha (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Shifter 3: Nue (Japanese) – Beast / Chimerae / Shifter2: Manticore, Piasa (Native American) – Beast / Chimerae / Shifter1: Manticore, Sphinx (Greek) – Beast / Chimerae


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL CANINE CREATURES:5: Barghest, Gwyllgi (Welsh) – Undead / Shifter 4: Amarok (Inuit) – Beast 3: Kumiho (Korean) – Demon / Oni 2: Cwn Annwn (Welsh) – Fae / Shifter 1: Amarok, Akhlut (Inuit) – Beast / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL GLUTTONY-BASED CREATURES:5: ka*wkaw (Maltese) – Aberration / Alien 4: Blemmyes, Xing Tian (Chinese) – Humanoid / Giant 3: Awd Goggie (English) – Fae / Vermin (Only the Fog Crawler)2: Charybdis (Greek) – Aberration 1: Gulon, Taotie (Chinese) – Aberration / Alien


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL LUST-BASED CREATURES:5: Alraune, Abere (Melanesian) – Plant 4: Jba Fofi, Jorogumo (Japanese) – Fae / Vermin / Shifter 3: Mambabarang, Mandarangkal (Philippine) – Demon / Vermin / Shifter2: Succubus, Empusa (Greek) – Demon 1: Cirein Croin (Scottish) – Dragon / Sea Serpent / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL PRIDE-BASED CREATURES:5: Scytalis (M-European) – Dragon / Reptilian4: Fossegrim, Katsura-Otoko (Japanese) – Fae / Nymph 3: Lamia, Gorgon (Greek) – Humanoid / Beastman / Reptilian 2: Kumiho (Korean) – Demon / Oni 1: Karkadann, Indrik (Russian) – Beast / Unicorn


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL GREED-BASED CREATURES:5: Rakshasa (Hindu) – Demon / Oni 4: Wyvern, Vouivre (French) – Dragon 3: Pixiu (Chinese) – Construct / Spirit 2: Caleuche (Chilean) – Construct / Spirit 1: Ifrit (Arabian) – Elemental / Genie / Shifter


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL ENVY-BASED CREATURES:5: Goblin, Likho (Slavic) – Fae 4: Yuki-Onna (Japanese) – Undead / Nymph3: Dullahan (Irish) – Undead / Bogey (Chariot version)2: Doppelganger (German) – Aberration / Alien / Shifter 1: Poltergeist, Dybbuk (Jewish) – Undead / Spirit / Parasite


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL WRATH-BASED CREATURES:5: Fulad-Zereh (Persian) – Construct / Spirit (Demonic Armor version)4: Bakekujira (Japanese) – Undead / Skeleton (Cachelot version)3: Otso, El Tunche (Peru) – Plant / Spirit 2: Erinyes (Greek) – Demon / Angel 1: Zombie, Fext (Slavic) – Undead


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL SLOTH-BASED CREATURES:5: Rat King, ColoColo (Mapuche) – Beast 4: Mapinguari (Brazilian) – Beast 3: Nue (Japanese) – Beast / Chimerae / Shifter2: Black Annis, Nocnitsa (Slavic) – Fae / Hag 1: Cherufe (Mapuche) – Elemental


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL FAMINE-BASED CREATURES:5: Kelpie, Apaosha (Iranian) – Fae / Shifter 4: Jidra (Arabian) – Plant 3: Chicheface (French) – Aberration 2: Tupilaq, Gashadokuro (Japanese) – Undead / Skeleton 1: Wendigo, Atshen (Inuit) – Fae / Spirit


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL PESTILENCE-BASED CREATURES:5: Nuckelavee (Scottish) – Fae / Bogey / Parasite (Wyvern Parasite)4: Codrille (French) – Dragon 3: Jubokko, Umdhlebi (African) – Plant / Vampire2: Cyclops, Papinijuwari (Australian) – Aberration / Giant / Alien 1: Codrille, Sruvara (Persian) – Dragon


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL WAR-BASED CREATURES:5: Gegenees, Virabhadra (Hindu) – Humanoid / Giant 4: Ngoubou, Emela-Ntouka (African) – Beast / Reptilian 3: Minotaur, Arzshenk (Persian) – Demon / Beastman 2: Juggernaut (Hindu) – Construct / Spirit 1: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan


TOP 5 MOST POWERFUL DEATH-BASED CREATURES:5: Valravn (Danish) – Fae / Avian / Shifter 4: Moroi, Strigoi (Romanian) – Undead / Vampire / Shifter / Parasite 3: Dullahan (Irish) – Undead / Bogey (Chariot variant)2: Jubokko, Waldgeist (German) – Plant / Vampire / Spirit1: Zombie, Fext (Slavic) – Undead


TOP 5 BIGGEST CREATURES: Size matters!5: Akkorokamui, Lusca (Caribbean) – Aberration / Cephalopod 4: Tiamat, Dahaka (Persian) – Dragon 3: Dorotabo, Land Wight (Norse) – Elemental / Spirit 2: Hekatoncheires (Greek) – Aberration / Giant / Titan1: Omukade (Japanese) – Demon / Oni / Vermin


TOP 5 SMALLEST CREATURES:5: Hannya (Japanese) – Construct / Spirit / Parasite (Without host)4: Xan, Alkuntane (Native American) – Beast / Vermin / Parasite 3: Pyrausta (Cyprus) – Dragon / Vermin (Dragonfly variant)2: Oniate (Native American) – Undead / Swarm1: Alp-Luachra (Irish) – Aberration / Amphibian / Parasite (without host)


TOP 5 MOST EVIL AND CRUEL CREATURES:5: Ewah (Native American) – Aberration / Alien / Parasite 4: Carbuncle, Chagrin (English) – Fae / Parasite 3: Bauk, Nalusa Falaya (Native American) – Fae / Bogey / Shifter 2: Black Annis, Nocnitsa (Slavic) – Fae / Hag 1: Popobawa (African) – Demon / Shifter / Parasite

OTHER VERY EVIL CREATURES: There is a very special place in hell for these evil-doers. While more creatures are evil, these are so vile they go beyond evil. These are the evil creatures that not only eat you, but they torture you for days before they finally give you the death and rest you almost-deserve at that time. These creatures don’t make a difference between grow up and kids, and use the corpses of the children to torture the parents with, they slowly digest their prey, beginning with the legs, they make the most cruel of traps and devices or starve their prey for weeks, others like to spread the most horrid of diseases upon entire towns, or poison the water supplies. Evil in its most pure form.

Black Annis / Black Annis, Utlunta / Bubak / Codrille / Codrille, Sruvara / Colorobetch / Cyclops, Papinijuwari / Dipsa, Haermorrhois / Druj Nasu / Erinyes / Faun, Bocanach / Fear Liath / Goblin, Likho / Harpy / Hongaek / Ifrit / Iku-Turso / Imp, Gremlin / Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo / Jenglot / Jubokko, Waldgeist / Jubokko, Umdhlebi / Kamaitachi / Karkinos, Traicousse / Kumiho / Lamia, Ajatar / Leucrotta / Mahaha, Ninya / Mambabarang / Mambabarang, Mandarangkal / Mandragora, Devalpa / Minotaur, Arzshenk / Moroi, Strigoi / Nekomata / Nekomata, Kasha / Nosoi / Nuckelavee / Nue / Oniate, Mano Peluda / Peryton / Phooka, Ishigaq / Poltergeist, Dybbuk / Pukwudgie / Qalupalik / Rakshasa / Rakshasa, Raktabija / Rakshasa, Brahmaparush / Rat King, ColoColo / Rawhead / Redcap / Rougarou, Kludde / Salawa / Shadhawar / Sianach / Skinwalker, Raven Mocker / Sluagh / Succarath / Suiko / Tikbalang / Valravn / Valravn, Nachtkrapp / Wendigo / Wendigo, Atshen / Will o Wisp, Brollachan / Xan, Alkuntane / Zirnitra


TOP 5 MOST POISONOUS CREATURES: 5: Catoblepas (M-European) – Beast 4: Ichneumon, Leontophone (M-European) – Beast 3: Jubokko, Umdhlebi (African) – Plant / Vampire2: Dipsa, Seps (M-European) – Beast / Reptilian1: Codrille, Sruvara (Persian) – Dragon

OTHER POISONOUS CREATURES: Not as poisonous as the top 5, but some come close, these are all the other creatures in Mythika which use poison/venom one way or another.

Alraune / Atuikakura / Awd Goggie / Basilisk / Caspilly / Con Rit / Con Rit, Skolopendra / Cuero, Vatnsandi / Death Worm / Dipsa / Dipsa, Hypnalis / Dipsa, Haermorrhois / Eintykara / Erymanthian, Bonguru / Girtablilu / Girtablilu, Serket / Goblin, Nuno / Hydra / Hydra, Orochi / Itzpapalotl / Jba Fofi / Jba Fofi, Djieien / Jba Fofi, Jorogumo / Jba Fofi, Tsuchigumo / Lamia, Gorgon / Lamia, Ajatar / Leshy, Kayeri / Lou Carcolh / Mambabarang / Marabbecca / MbieluMbielu / MbieluMbielu, Muhuru / Muirdris / Muirdris, Kurage-No-Hinotama / Muirdris, Bisha Ga Tsuku / Nuckelavee / Nue / Omukade / Otso, El Tunche / Peuchen / Pukwudgie / Qinyuan / Rat King, Lavellan / Rougarou, Kludde / Sagari, Hrokkall / Sazae-Oni / Scorpios / Scytalis / Vish Kanya / Vodyanoi, Bagiennik / Wyvern, Vouivre

Congratulations! You made it to the bottom of this endless, impossible post! Champagne for Everyone! ;-)

If you know more lists I could make, or if you are curious on more lists of monsters, just hit the question-button and I post it for you.

Thanks for reading!

#Mythika | myth-lord (2024)


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